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XChars 1.20 (05-Feb-2003)
Name: XChars
Purpose: Advanced chars utility
Author: Martin Würthner
Requires: RISC OS 3.1 or higher, 32-bit SharedCLib
Status: FREEWARE (see below)
WWW: http://www.mw-software.com/
XChars is a replacement for the Chars utility that comes with RISC OS
with a lot of additional features, such as:
- multiple windows
- outline fonts at arbitrary sizes
- support for different encodings
- font aspect, line and character spacing control
- different arrangements of characters (+optional display of ctrl chars)
- configurable default settings
- character zoom window at configurable size by clicking Adjust on a letter
(during the duration of the button press only or as a persistent window)
- configurable character insertion hot key
- option to install an application icon on the icon bar
- all options can be set independently in each window
- "hotlist": the state of all options (font,font size,line spacing etc.) of
a window can be saved (by associating a name with it) and restored later
from the hotlist menu
- automatic display of character code under the pointer
1) How to use XChars
Double-click on the !XChars application icon in a Filer window to load it.
Depending on the Startup options which have been set up, the application
installs an icon on the icon bar and/or opens a character display window.
The XChars window
Each window shows the full character set in the given font and encoding. If you
click SELECT on a character, it is inserted at the caret position in the
application which currently owns the input focus (the window with the cream
title bar).
If you click ADJUST, the character is displayed in a bigger 'zoom' window
(note that this only works with outline fonts, not with the System font!).
Depending on the 'Persistent zoom window' option in the Choices window (see
below under "Choices window"), the zoom window disappears automatically as soon
as you release the ADJUST button or it remains on screen (in the latter case it
is called persistent). The persistent zoom window has a close icon, so you can
close it just as any other window. To reopen it, simply click ADJUST again in
any XChars window.
The font size to be used in the zoom window can be changed in the Display
options window (see below).
When trying to enter text in a writable menu field or a transient dialogue
box, the SELECT click method cannot be used, because this would cause the
destination window to disappear. To overcome this problem, you can also insert
a character by placing the pointer over it and pressing the character insertion
hotkey (e.g. Ctrl). The hotkey to be used can be configured in the Choices
window (see below, "The Choices window").
Changing the font, font size etc.
The toolbar (at the top of each character window) shows the current font and
the font size. The font can be changed by clicking on the pop-up menu button
next to the font name and choosing a font from the menu.
If the current font is an outline font (i.e. not the System font), then The
size can be changed by using the up/down arrows or entering a number in the
input field. The change only takes effect if you click on the OK button. A
quicker way of changing the font size is to choose a size from the font size
menu which appears if you click on the pop-up menu button next to the font size
input field. This changes the font size immediately.
The arrangement of the characters can be changed from the window's menu: You
can choose between 32 by 8,16 by 16 and 8 by 32. Also, if you select the option
'Show ctrl', then the window shows the control characters at the top row as
inverted letters. So, e.g. to enter Ctrl-C, click SELECT on the inverted letter
'C'. Ticking 'Show grid' shows the character grid (see below, "Character
More advanced options are found in the Display options window: Choose
'Display options' from the window's menu to open it:
The Display options window:
In this window you can change the font aspect, the line and character spacing
and zoom font size. The font aspect determines the width of the characters in
relation to their height. Normally, characters are displayed at 100% which is
the default. If the aspect ratio is smaller than 100%, the characters appear
narrow, if it is greater than 100%, they are expanded.
The next two options, line spacing and char spacing can in most cases be left
at their default values, i.e. at 100%. XChars automatically leaves enough room
vertically to accomodate even the highest character of the font. Horizontally,
it uses by default 80% of the widest character (i.e. this corresponds to char
spacing 100%) which is enough in almost all cases as it is very unlikely that
two very wide characters are next to each other.
However, if you want more (or less) space between the rows/columns, then you
can increase (or decrease) the line/char spacing.
The last value is the font size to be used in the character zoom window (this
is the window you call up by clicking ADJUST on a character). This is set for
each window individually, so if you have a persistent zoom box (or if you press
and hold Adjust) the size of the zoom window may change as you move from one
window to another.
If you switch "Display character code" on, the character code of the
character under the pointer is displayed near the pointer in a small yellow box
which also moves as you move the pointer. The code can be displayed in decimal
or hexadecimal notation or both at the same time depending on which of the
three radio icons in the line below you select. These options can be switched
on/off for each window individually. Probably not a feature you would want to
switch on for every window, but it was added by popular demand, so at least
some people will hopefully find this useful. What about adding a definition of
a System font window with "Display character code" switched on to your hotlist?
This way you have quick access to character codes in case you need them. If you
should really want this feature for every window, simply modify your default
The RISC OS FontManager supports rendering text in different encodings
(different choices of character sets), as long as the font used supplies
encoding information. This allows you to access additional characters some
fonts supply. This is the case for the ROM fonts, which amongst others, include
a lot of accented characters for use in Eastern European languages.
Unless you specify an encoding, the system's default encoding is used (Latin1
for most users). You may change the encoding by switching from the font toolbar
to the encoding toolbar: To do this, click on the toolbar switch icon - this is
the small icon to the left of the font name display field that looks like two
small option buttons, the top one selected, the bottom one deselected.
The encoding toolbar shows the current encoding and allows you to change it
by choosing a different one from the encodings menu. The encodings menu shows
the different encodings that are installed on your system.
As mentioned above, changing the encoding may or may not make any difference.
At least for the three standard ROM fonts Trinity, Homerton and Corpus, you
should see different (and possibly new) characters when you change from
"(Default)" to, say, "Latin2". If you have a "Greek" encoding (standard under
RISC OS 5), then can see how the greek characters in the Sidney maths font
map to the standard positions for a modern greek font when applying the
"Greek" encoding.
In general, applying encodings does not make much sense for symbol fonts
because most of their glyphs are not found in any of the standard "language"
encodings. So Selwyn with anything other than the "(Default)" encoding looks
pretty empty.
Please note: If you click on a character to insert it at the caret position,
then you will only see the same character in the application that receives it
if you have chosen the same font with the same encoding in this application.
Unfortunately, most applications do not allow you change the font encoding and
will always use the default system encoding. Cerilica Vantage is one example of
an application that supports encodings.
To switch back to the font toolbar, simply click on the toolbar switch icon
Entering characters into applications
You can "enter" characters at the current caret position by either clicking on
them with Select or by pressing the character insertion hotkey while the mouse
pointer is over the character. The latter is useful when inserting characters
into writable submenu fields that would vanish if you clicked a mouse button.
See "The choise window" to find out how to configure the character insertion
Please note that either method only sends the bare character. Neither sends
any font information to the application owning the caret, so you will only see
the same character in the application if you have chosen the same font (and the
same encoding, if the one you have chosen in XChars is not "(Default)").
Default settings
The whole set of options can be saved as the default by choosing 'Save as
default' from the window's menu. This means that any new window now has
the properties of the current window, e.g. the font, encoding, font size etc.
This is saved to disc, so the next time you start the application it will
still remember which default settings to use.
The hotlist
One of the most powerful features of XChar is the hotlist: You can add the
complete state of a window including all options to the hotlist and give
it a name. By choosing the entry from a menu later, you can recall the
settings you associated with that name.
Supposed you use Dingbats quite often and you want it to be displayed at
24pt with a line spacing of 120%. Instead of setting all these options
every time you want to view Dingbats, you can set them once and then add
the current window state to the hotlist: Click menu over the window and
follow the submenu arrow of the entry "Add to hotlist". Then, type the name
which you want to associate with these settings, e.g. "Dingbats" and click
on OK.
To recall the settings later, click on the "A" icon to the left of the
tool bar. This displays the hotlist. The first entry of the hotlist is
always "Default". Choosing this restores the default settings. Below this
entry, you can see all the additional entries. Choosing one of these
restores the settings associated with the corresponding entry.
If you want to modify one of the entries, choose it, change the options,
and then use "Add to hotlist" again without changing the name in the
writable field. This overwrites the old definition with your modified one.
A hotlist entry can be removed by choosing its name from the "Remove"
Like the default settings, the hotlist is immediately saved to disc
every time you modify it.
The Choices window
The Choices window is opened by choosing 'Choices...' from the icon bar menu.
Obviously, this is only possible if there is an XChars icon on the icon bar.
If there is not, the 'Choices...' entry is present in the main menu obtained
by clicking Menu over any XChars window.
The Choices window allows you to configure some options which are global
and do not belong to a particular window. These are the startup options,
the character insertion hotkey and the zoom window behaviour:
When the application starts up it can either install an icon on the
icon bar or open a window (or do both). Of course, doing neither of
both is not sensible as in this case you could not access the application
at all! This option only takes effect if you quit and re-load the
The character insertion hotkey can be either of Ctrl, Shift or Alt. As
each of these keys appear twice on the keyboard, you can choose which one
is to be used. If you want both keys to be active, select both option icons,
'Left key' and 'Right key'. By deselecting both option icons, the whole
feature (character insertion by hotkey) can be disabled.
The last option in the Choices window determines whether the zoom window
stays on the screen when you release the Adjust button of the mouse (this
happens if the option 'Persistent zoom window' is switched on) or whether
it is closed automatically (if the option is switched off).
Character grid
Some fonts have characters which behave odd in terms of positioning because
they appear to the left or right of their bounding box. For example, this
happens with the vowels of classical Hebrew fonts, e.g. HolyBible.HebClassic
(by ExpLAN Computers) or Royal.BblcHbrw (by EFF) because the vowels have to
appear underneath the preceding consonant.
The click-sensitive zone of each character is linked to a global bounding
box, so clicking on one of these characters sometimes seems to insert the
wrong one.
One thing which helps is to increase the character spacing (e.g. to 140%),
but even then, you have to click exactly on the vowels or to the left of them.
If you switch on the character grid (main menu 'Arrangement.Show Grid'), you
see the click-sensitive zone of each character.
The submenu allows you to choose the grid colour.
The XChars icon on the icon bar
Clicking SELECT on the XChars icon opens a new window with the current
default settings.
Clicking ADJUST on the XChars icon brings the most recently used window to
the top. Pressing SHIFT at the same time brings all the windows to the top.
While there is no open XChars window at all, clicking ADJUST on the XChars
icon re-opens the most recently closed XChars window (in contrast to SELECT,
which opens a new window with the default settings). This is useful if you
tend to close XChars windows when you do not need them at the moment and
then regret this later because you would like to have the same window again
without having to setup the settings all over again.
Quitting the application
You can quite XChars by choosing 'Quit' from the icon bar menu. If there is
no XChars icon on the icon bar, the application quits as soon as you close
the last open window.
Distributing this application to other people
You are allowed to give this application to anyone you want (terms and
conditions, see below under "Copyright message").
After copying it, you should delete the files "Default" and "Hotlist"
files inside the copied !XChars directory. Otherwise, the default settings
or the entries in the hotlist may contain names of fonts which are not
present on the destination system leading to error messages.
Be careful not to delete anything else!
Thanks to Neil Walker for his !ZoomChars application. I borrowed his idea
of providing a zoom window, transient or persistent. Thanks to Harriet Bazley
for her request to be able to re-open the most recently closed window.
2) History
1.20 (05-Feb-03):
- added support for encodings
- flickering in zoom window fixed
- ticks appear correctly in the font menu if a font is chosen using the
Adjust mouse button
- character codes can be displayed in both decimal and hex at the same time
1.10b (17-Dec-02):
- corrected release archive with files in !XChars directory
1.10 (22-Nov-02):
- compiled with 32-bit compiler tools, so works in 32-bit mode, but requires
the new 32-bit SharedCLib
- now uses the sprite designed by Andy George as standard
1.08 (16-Jun-01):
- auto-repeat for clicks
1.07 (27-Feb-01):
- ADJUST clicking on icon bar while no window is open re-opens last window
- Hex character code display
- Messages file contains messages for dialogue boxes as well
1.06 (28-Feb-00):
- Default entry in "add to hotlist" window
- documentation update
1.05 (03-Nov-96):
- The character and its code are now also displayed in the zoom window's
title bar
1.04 (22-Jan-96):
- Because of popular demand: "Display character code" option added to display
the code of the character under the pointer
1.03 (20-Jan-96):
- Why did not anybody tell me that this thing did not really work with
dialogue boxes (e.g. Zap and Impression)? Embarassing... Now uses
Wimp_ProcessKey instead of sending a KeyPressed message to the destination
task. So simple...
1.02 (14-Dec-95):
- minimum window width can be smaller with System font as font size icons
in toolbar cannot be accessed anyway -> smaller window in System font mode
- added ADJUST and SHIFT-ADJUST click actions on icon bar icon
- added character grid option
1.01 (28-Nov-95):
- sensitive boxes around characters are now centred
1.00 (24-Nov-95):
- first version sent to Hensa and Stuttgart
3) Copyright message
This application, XChars, is © Martin Würthner, 2003 and is FREEWARE.
This means that you may copy it freely provided that
(a) all files of this application are distributed together without
modification (see above: "Distribution this application...")
(b) this application is not sold for profit without my explicit written
permission (this includes distribution on CD)
4) Contacting me
Martin Wuerthner
Mannheimer Str. 18
67655 Kaiserslautern
Phone: +49-(0)631-3608205
Fax: +49-(0)631-3608203
e-mail: martin@mw-software.com
WWW: http://www.mw-software.com/